

“The theater itself is not revolutionary: it is a rehearsal for the revolution.”

Augusto Boal (1931-2009)

  • A Love Letter to America

    February 20, 2020 by

    American Democracy, I know you and I have had our differences in the past. I may not agree with those who sing all of your praises, who call you “leader of the free world”. With the increase of democracy and globalization, now more than ever, that sentiment rings false. American Democracy, you’re getting old. But… Read more

  • The Iowa Caucuses: a Tragedy in Two Acts

    February 8, 2020 by

    In elementary-school theatre camp, a counselor once told me that Shakespeare’s comedies were the plays that start in chaos but eventually resolve happily. His tragedies were the opposite: plays that begin pleasantly, or at least mundanely, and ended in chaos and frustration. The first act of the caucuses was wonderful. I arrived at my precinct… Read more

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